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Step by step

Creating a new user


This function includes 3 sections:

The first one is used to input user's general information.
The second one is used to create appropriate BOSSWeb access permissions, in other words, which menu options user will be able to view.
The last one is used to choose which type of messages will be available for the user via the Home Page.

To create a user, click on the Add button in the upper right grey menu bar.

First Section:
This section will show you how to enter user's Account information.
Type in the new user's data in the in the Account Information Section (type in at least the mandatory fields identified by a asterisk *)

Second Section:
This section will show you how to enter user's Roles and Authorized Document Types.

Select which BOSSWeb Modules the new user will have access.
Select which BOSSWeb Documents Types the new user will have access.
Click on the Next button to proceed with this lesson.